Tuesday 31st May

She finally picked me! I nestled snugly between freshly bathed thighs and was encased in denim. It was a warm day and I increasingly felt the heat radiating from her, making me slightly damp. It must have been around 11am when the doorbell rang, a parcel was being delivered. Her attraction to the delivery guy was evident by the sticky warmth she deposited on me, it was glorious and she rubbed it on to me throughout lunch with her husband.

She hung washing out later and as she bent up and down to the washing basket I crept gradually up between her pussy flaps. Sweeeet! Eventually she pulled me out, spoil sport.

Around 3pm she lay on the bed and tried to have a little nap but the husband came in and he was frisky. She was resistant initially but he started rubbing her through her trousers and she quickly ripened up. She wouldn’t let him take her trousers off but he still managed to snake his hand into me and soon enough he was flicking her clit then sliding a finger into her wet hole. It took no time at all for her to cream over his fingers and he wiped it on me before removing his hand. Pure bliss. I spent a joyful afternoon basking in dampness whilst she cleaned the car, once again sneaking up into those lovely soft folds. I dreamt that I could stay there for an eternity…

Colour: White

Style: Low rise brief

Material: Cotton

Features: Daily juices, female cum

*If you are interested in purchasing the panties from today then please get in touch*


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